It's been a while since I shared a poem or wrote specifically about my writing process, so today I wanted to explore an aspect of writing poetry that I've especially been enjoying in recent months.
As I've started to be more intentional about my writing and, specifically, have begun writing poetry more regularly, I've found that I really enjoy playing with the shape of my poems. So many of them seem to lend themselves to a specific shape that is beautifully reflective of the content, and I wanted to share a bit about how I get there.
First things first: one thing I don't do is start with a particular shape in mind.
Like people, I feel that poems don't like to be shoved into boxes. If a poem is going to have a specific shape, I like for it to form organically.
The way this usually happens for me is that I start with a word, or a concept, or a vibe, and I start jotting down thoughts that feel related. Sometimes these flow well into one another and it's almost like the poem writes itself, but many times it's more like dumping a pile of clutter to be organized later.
Then, one of two things will happen:
Either something that I've written will cause me to start intentionally working the shape of the poem in a specific way, adding to it by fitting in specific pieces or shuffling things strategically, like this one, from day 17 of
’s Poem A Day in May:Sometimes I feel like I have only ever
been waiting for the next season,
constantly looking forward,
impatient and unsatisfied,
holding my breath,
feeling stuck.
Now, I inhale,
breathing in this
moment, learning to
appreciate the ebb and flow,
letting everything be what it is,
no longer stuck or unsatisfied -
though still occasionally impatient.
-when I got to the line about holding my breath, I thought of contracting and expanding the shape of my poem, like lungs, and immediately began shifting the words around.
Or, after I've done some dumping, I'll just start moving things into a vaguely poemic (I might have made that word up) shape, and realize that it wants to be something specific, like this one, from day 2 of
’s Poem Play:I want to dance
to the rhythm
of the universe
on the breeze
across the sky
on the shore
on your lips
along your skin
on the page
-my desire to focus on rhythm really helped shape this poem (literally and figuratively). The prompt word was “dance,” so I started with the idea to list things that are commonly personified using the word “dance,” and once I had started compiling them, the shape more or less created itself.
I love when this happens, and I find that the poems that happen this way are some of my favourites because they often just feel more natural and genuine (this phenomenon extends to everything I create, really, but maybe that's a post for another day).
Not every poem that I write forms exactly in this manner, and many of them have much less obvious or intentional shaping. Every writer will have their own unique process, but this is a quick glimpse into one aspect of mine.
Have you intentionally played with poem shaping? Or have you found that you allow your poems to shape themselves? Do you find that your creative processes in general flow naturally, or does it work differently for you? I'd love to hear about your process!
As always, if this post resonated with you, you're welcome to share.
I reallly enjoyed this offering and your sharing a bit of your creative process with us. From my reading and absorbing, it is working really well, as I love your poems and writing! I tend to go organically and flow naturally, for better and often worse, as it is more my nature. That is why I liked the challenges of Kaitlin and Jillian's poem prompts (deep bows to both of these wonderful artists.) Thank you for sharing your wonderful cretion with us. I am grateful. Here is a quick poem that came to mind after reading your piece today:
For A.
One day we may meet
in a cafe with oat milk lattes,
lots of books and homemade, organic treats.
or on a beach where our beloveds dance and play,
joy rising like first flowers...
until then
these metaphorical tables,
these virtual cafes and digital blessings
serve us well.
A toast to your gracious wisdom.
Really really enjoyed reading this tidbit of your poetry writing process, especially when your art of poetry shaping came up so often! 😘 Those two poetry journeys were SUCH a blessing and I am glad you were there every step of the way 💗🌸
This gives me food for thought and inspiration for when poetry comes again ✨